About Me

Thank you for visiting my writer’s website.

I am a storyteller and writer who has a passion for travel and culture. I love to go off the well-traveled path to discover the heart and soul of each location and uncover the unique stories the people and places offer.

I have traveled to 22 countries and in 2014, I began full-time travel for 2 years before settling down with my photographer husband in my favorite place in the world, Grenada, West Indies.

I am knowledgeable about packing up to do slow travel and can write about many destinations.  I have traveled extensively throughout the Caribbean and I am an expert about Grenada, West Indies.

I began publishing articles at the end of 2017 and have enjoyed working with both print and online editors.  I can be reached via the following methods:

Email      candi.licence@hotmail.com

Phone     (Toll -free from the US) 1-954-773-8864

Grenada mobile  1-473-415-5991